Preparation for Grade 9 Mathematics

Unit Web Link Resources
Grade 9 Math Preparation Booklet
Khan Academy Exercises
N/A Grade 9 Math Preparation Booklet
Khan Academy Exercises
A – Operating with Integers Add and Subtracting Integers
Multiplying Integers
Dividing Integers
B – Order of Operations Order of Operations
C – Operating with Fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
D – Variables and Equations  N/A  Evaluating Variable Expressions
One-Step Equations with Integers
Two-Step Equations with Integers
E – Ratios, Rates and Percentages N/A  Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
ProportionsProportion Word Problems
F – Angles N/A   Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Interior Angles of a Triangle
Parallel Lines and Transversals
G – The Cartesian Plane N/A  Ordered Pairs on the Cartesian Plane
H – Linear Relationships  N/A  Linear Relationships

Enrichment Resources

Support Resource Description Web Link
Waterloo Math Contests Waterloo Math contests from previous years with and answers and solutions included.
Waterloo Problem of the Week Challenge problems posted each week, with solutions to follow, for all grade levels
Khan Academy Exercises and videos on many math topics. Challenge yourself by going as far as you can